

  For Detailed Information
  Ms. Tang:+86(10)8590 5229   xintang@caixin.com  
  Ms. Ma:+86(10)8590 5083  dandanma@caixin.com


  Standard Price:RMB10800/person (excluding accommodation), RMB12800/person (including two nights’ accommodation in the hotel where the conference will be held)
  Registrants can enjoy a 20 percent discount before Oct. 30th.
  The registration deadline is on Nov.18th


  1 .Attending all meetings of Caixin Summit (excluding closed-door meetings).
  2.Participating in all communication activities like lunch buffet, coffee break and cocktail reception.
  3.All related meeting materials.
  4.Half year's subscription to digital Century Weekly and China Reform (can be transferred)
  5.One of Caixin books (presented randomly)