
威廉·博尔丁 William Boulding

2014年03月13日 19:11 来源于 财新网

William Boulding

杜克大学富卡商学院 院长
Dean, Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business


博尔丁博士的研究兴趣主要集中在管理学、市场营销与战略的交叉领域。博尔丁博士对管理者如何决策以及消费者对决策反应的评估特别关注。他对医疗卫生政策研究也有涉猎,尤其注重评估病人体验和管理活动对医护质量的影响。博尔丁博士在市场营销、管理和医疗健康类的多种期刊上发表过论文。1998年,他因发表在《市场营销调研杂志》上的一篇论文“为市场营销学科的发展做出了重大而长期贡献”而荣获威廉•奥戴尔奖(William F. O’Dell Award)。2006年,他在《市场营销杂志》上发表的一篇论文由于“为市场营销理论和思想做出了重要贡献”而获得了哈罗德・H・梅纳德奖(Harold H. Maynard Award)。

他的教研兴趣还涉及管理、市场营销和战略等领域。他曾教授这三个领域内的核心课程(领导力、伦理与组织, 市场营销管理, 战略基础,以及新近开发出的文化、文明与领导力课程)。他曾获富卡商学院杰出教师奖,其杰出的教研经验在《<商业周刊>最佳商学院申请指南》一书过去二十年间出版的多个版本中都被引为范例。他还因其“卓越的授课、研究、领导力和服务精神”成为了美国银行教师奖的得主。他也一直与产业界保持接触,参与企业赞助的研究、咨询或者高管培训项目,合作过的公司包括国际商业机器股份有限公司、美国电话电报公司、美国银行、美国礼来制药、汤森报业集团、西门子和花旗银行等。

博尔丁博士拥有斯沃斯莫尔学院(Swarthmore College)经济学学士,及宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院营销学博士学位。

William Boulding is the Dean and J.B. Fuqua Professor of Business Administration at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. His previous roles at the Fuqua School include Deputy Dean, Senior Associate Dean for Programs, Associate Dean for the Daytime MBA program, Area Coordinator for the Marketing faculty, Co-Director of the Teradata Center for Customer Relationship Management, and the executive education Academic Program Director for both the Marketing Leadership Forum and the Advanced Management Program.

Dr. Boulding’s research interests lie at the intersection of management, marketing, and strategy. Of particular interest to Dr. Boulding is evaluating how managers make decisions and how consumers respond to those decisions. He is also interested in health care policy research, particularly in assessing the role of the patient experience and managerial activity in the quality of care. He publishes his research in marketing, management and health journals. He won the 1998 William F. O’Dell Award for the Journal of Marketing Research article making a "significant long-run contribution to the marketing discipline," and the 2006 Harold H. Maynard Award for the Journal of Marketing article making a “significant contribution to marketing theory and thought.”

His teaching interests also span the areas of management, marketing, and strategy. He has taught core courses in all three areas (Leadership, Ethics and Organization; Marketing Management; Foundations of Strategy, and the newly developed Culture, Civilization and Leadership course). He is a past recipient of The Outstanding Teacher award from the Fuqua School, and has been cited for teaching excellence in various editions of the book Business Week Guide to the Best Business Schools spanning a period of two decades. He is also a recipient of the Bank of America Faculty Award "for excellence in teaching, research, leadership and service." With respect to industry contact, he has engaged in sponsored research, consulting, or executive development with a number of companies such as IBM, AT&T, Bank of America, Eli Lilly, Thomson Newspapers, Siemens, and Citibank.

He received his BA in Economics from Swarthmore College and his Ph.D. in Marketing from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
