
陈 旗 Qi Chen

2014年04月01日 14:28 来源于 财新网

陈 旗
Qi Chen

Professor, Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business

陈旗教授的主要研究方向在于经济学、金融学和会计学之间的交叉领域,侧重于信息和激励机制在金融市场和企业内部所发挥的作用,包括信息对企业投资决策的影响,激励机制对会计制度、企业管理和证券分析师行为所发挥的作用。他的最新研究考查了银行合并对公司信息公开行为产生的影响,以及中国的股权分置改革和中国银行业发展对中国公司的财务政策和业绩的影响。他的研究成果已发表于各大顶级金融会计期刊上,包括《金融杂志》(Journal of Finance)、《金融经济学杂志》(Journal of Financial Economics)、《金融研究评论》(Review of Financial Studies)、《会计研究杂志》(Journal of Accounting Research)和《会计学与经济学杂志》(Journal of Accounting and Economics)。他目前主讲财务报表分析课和分析会计学博士研讨课。他拥有美国芝加哥大学布斯商学院的博士学位和工商管理硕士学位,美国马里兰大学帕克分校的经济学硕士学位,以及武汉大学的经济学学士学位。

Professor Chen's research interests lie in the intersections between economics, finance and accounting, with a focus on the role of information and incentives in financial markets and within firms, including the effect of information on firms’ investment decisions, the role of incentive on accounting systems, corporate governance, and security analysts’ behaviors. His recent research has examined the effects of bank mergers in firms’ disclosure behaviors, and the effects of China’s split share structure reform and of China’s bank market development on Chinese companies’ financial policies and performance. His research has been published in leading finance and accounting journals, including Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Accounting Research and Journal of Accounting and Economics. He teaches Financial Statement Analysis and Analytical Accounting PhD seminar. He holds a PhD and an MBA degree from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago, an MA in economics from University of Maryland at College Park and a BA in economics from Wuhan University in China.
