
威廉•莱塔 William Latta

2014年04月02日 17:15 来源于 财新网

William Latta

阿米那电力环保技术开发(北京)有限公司 创始人兼首席执行官(Duke MBA’02)
Founder & CEO, LP Amina


莱塔先生在电力行业拥有超过20年的丰富经验。2007年创办阿米那之前,莱塔先生供职于阿尔斯通电力公司,该公司是制造常规电力设备的全球领导者。 在阿尔斯通,他所负责的工作涵盖工程、项目管理到区域损益管理等多方面。莱塔先生拥有乔治亚理工学院的机械工程学士学位和杜克大学的工商管理硕士学位。


William Latta is the Founder and CEO of LP Amina, a multinational environmental engineering and clean coal development company with deep expertise and broad R&D activities in the US and China. LP Amina has over 100 full-time employees and a network of over 2,000 technicians in diverse locations across the globe.

Mr. Latta has over 20 years of experience in the power generation industry. Prior to founding LP Amina in 2007, Mr. Latta was with Alstom Power, a global leader in conventional power generation equipment manufacturing. His responsibilities at Alstom spanned from engineering, to project management, to regional P&L management. Mr. Latta holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a MBA from Duke University.

Mr. Latta represents LP Amina on the Advanced Coal Technology group of the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Colloboration (CERC), a bilaterally funded organization that facilitates U.S.-China cooperation to advance clean energy technologies. Furthermore, Mr. Latta is the co-chair of the U.S.-China Energy Cooperation Program, a group that promotes commercially viable projects in clean energy, and supports the sustainable development of the energy sectors in both countries.
