2015, Caixin Breakfast Meeting Davos


China Economic Outlook: New Normal

With the world economy recovering from crisis, enduring weaknesses remain and major economies are exploring paths of their own. In a complex and volatile international environment where the speed of economic growth is shifting down, China's economy is entering a "new normal" phase and global financial policy coordination since the financial crisis has come to an end. Geopolitical risks are rising. The world is not flat, so it is time to get a sense of the fluctuations. Continuous reform has been put into practice in an orderly sequence: comprehensive advancement of the rule of law, persistence in the anti-corruption drive and breakthroughs in reforms of state-owned enterprises, land, finance, taxation and financial liberalization. Though the reform benefits are highly anticipated, there is still a long road ahead. How will China draw value from overseas investments and establish a strategic layout that is commercially sustainable and politically friendly? 


  【财新网】(特派瑞士达沃斯记者 张远岸)财新传媒当日在瑞士小镇达沃斯举办“财新达沃斯早餐会”,以“新常态下的中国经济展望”为主体。发言嘉宾包括张懿宸、宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院院长盖瑞特(Geoffrey Garret)、汇丰控股首席经济学家简世勋 (Stephen King)、SOHO中国CEO张欣和南开大学校长龚克。
  【财新网】(特派瑞士达沃斯记者 王力为)久未公开露面演讲的中国央行行长周小川远赴瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛,出席讨论,谈到中国的经济增长、房地产市场、资金催生“股市泡沫”等市场波动方面的问题,全程译文在此。
  【财新网】(特派瑞士达沃斯记者 张远岸)视频报道
  【财新网财新网】(特派瑞士达沃斯记者 黄山 张远岸 王力为)瑞士当地时间1月21日下午2时30分,作为2015冬季达沃斯正式议程的“财新辩论”专场活动拉开帷幕。一小时的辩论由财新传媒总编辑胡舒立主持,围绕着“中国对外投资展望”主题,来自不同国家和机构的嘉宾进行了多角度的阐述与讨论。
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  • Overview

    The 2015 Caixin Breakfast Meeting Davos will invite domestic and foreign policy-makers, top-level economists, business thought leaders to review the latest changes, identify new trends, explore the positive interaction between China and the rest of the world, and mark out the future path of joint development.

    Contact us

    Ms.Charlene Wu +86(10)8590 5094 mengwu@caixin.com



    • January 23th
    Time Topic  Speakers
    China Economic Outlook: New Normal
    Geoffrey GARRETT, Dean, Reliance Professor of Management and Private Enterprise, and Professor of Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
    Stephen KING, Group Chief Economist, HSBC Bank
    GONG Ke, President, Nankai University
    ZHANG Xin, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, SOHO China Limited
    Yichen ZHANG, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, CITIC Capital Holdings Limited
    Moderator: HUANG Shan, Associate Managing Editor, Editorial Board Member, Caixin Media