
FU Chenggang biographical notes

2024年05月03日 20:13 来源于 财新会

Mr. Calvin Fu is the Chairman of China Innovation Finance Institute, aiming to advance the development of Western-China Financial Centre, financial openness, and cross-border innovation investment.

Calvin Fu is also the China President & Chief Economist at Federation of International Financial Centres & International Innovation Centres, aiming at advancing the innovation investment and financial service partnership with China. In particularly, Calvin is dedicated to promote the major institutional investors of Europe, Middle East and Asia to invest China, and support leading Chinese companies to invest global.

Calvin Fu was the China Country Head and Chief representative of Abu Dhabi Global Market and its Financial Services Regulatory Authority, being in charge of the regulatory partnership, government relations, business development, regulatory services and operation of China Office on behalf of the regulatory authorities of Financial Services Regulatory Authority, Registration Authority and The Courts.